Does your business use forms created in Microsoft Word that your clients routinely fill out for one reason or another? Are the forms being printed out and filled in by hand, then scanned or sent back by snail mail?
Using Adobe Acrobat Pro to create forms that can be filled in from within the file and emailed back to you will save time for both you and your customers, plus the content will be more readable.
Adobe Acrobat Pro will transform lines created in Microsoft Word into editable form fields automatically. Take a look at the “Name” field and the "Age" field below. The lines can be created in Microsoft Word using underline and tab or using shift+hyphen. Adobe Acrobat Pro will automatically transform each of them into form fields.
Name: ______________________
Age: ____
Save your form as a Word document, so you can make changes later. Then, save the file again in .pdf format using File - Save As... - Format - PDF.
Open the file created in .pdf format in Adobe Acrobat Pro. Find the “Forms” dropdown menu and select “Add or Edit Fields…” Click the “Yes” button so Acrobat will detect the form fields for you.
Review the new form field, save the file, and then close the file. Open the file again and it will look a bit different. This is what your customers will see. Save a copy of the file, review the form fields, and see if you can add content. Save the copy again, then close the file and reopen it. Make sure it saved your changes.
If the final file looks and works to your satisfaction, send the file with the empty form fields to your clients. Otherwise, update your Word Document and repeat steps two through four.
If you have questions regarding creating forms, feel free to add them below.
Posted on May 15, 2013 | Permalink | Join email list